The Superbug That Doctors Have Been Dreading Just Reached the US, The Washington Post, 5-27-16
CVS Minute Clinics: A Cure for Long Wait Times At Veterans Affairs, Kaiser Health News, 5-25-16
Anthem CEO Expects US Regulatory Decision in July, Reuters, 5-24-16
Andy Slavitt Talks MACRA: Four Key Takeaways, Becker’s Hospital Review, 5-23-16
Med Students Take Battle Against Opioid Epidemic Into Their Own Hands, Huffington Post, 5-23-16
Nearly 300 Pregnant Women In US Likely Have Zika, NEJM Journal Watch, 5-23-16
Relax, It’s Only MACRA, MedPage Today, 5-21-16
The Days of Freely Prescribed Painkillers Are Ending. Here’s What’s Next, The Washington Post, 5-20-16
Health Insurance Companies Step Up To Fight the Opioid Epidemic, CNN, 5-19-16
Docs Say States Are Making Calculated Cuts to Medicaid Rates, Modern Healthcare, 5-18-16
Complain All You Want, But Your Busy Schedule May Help Your Brain, NPR, 5-18-16
Actions By Congress On Opioids Hasn’t Included Limiting Them, The New York Times, 5-18-16
Hospitalizations for Depression on the Rise, MedPage Today, 5-18-16