Bill filing deadlines always bring a flood of legislation. Yesterday the North Carolina Senate’s bill fling deadline was no exception; it brought a deluge of health care related legislation on almost every subject important to our profession. Over 300 bills were filed this week! Among others, the following bills of importance to physicians have been filed:
- SB 118: Naturopathic Doctors Licensing Act (Bingham)
- SB 240: Define Scope of Practice of CRNAs (Davis)
- SB 317: Strengthen Controlled Substances Monitoring (Hise, Clark, Tarte)
- SB 319: Chiropractor Co-Pay Parity (Hise)
- SB 542: Decriminalize Direct Entry Midwifery (Rabin, Sanderson, Krawiec)
- SB 543: Home Birth Freedom Act (Rabin, Sanderson, Krawiec)
- SB 568: North Carolina Health Care Modernization (Tarte)
- SB 574: 2015 Medicaid Reform (Jackson, Pate, Tucker)
- SB 609: Mandate Use/Controlled Substances Reporting System (Davis)
- SB 688: 2015 Tort Reform (Hartsell)
- SB 695: Modernize Nursing Practice Act (Hise, Pate)
- SB 696: Medicaid Modernization (Hise)
- SB 701: Discontinue Medicaid Contract for PCCM (Brown, Hise)
- SB 702: Repeal CON and COPA Laws (Apodaca)
- SB 703: Medicaid Transformation (Berger)
The Medical Society staff is analyzing this wave of filings and will provide a more detailed analysis in next week’s Bulletin.