This bill was transformed into the Education Omnibus bill in the House Rules Committee on June 23, 2020.
This bill passed the House on June 24, 2020 with a vote of 116-0.
School Psychologists
- The bill exempts certain school psychologists who are licensed by the State Board of Education and regularly salaried employees of DPI or a local board of education. Contract school psychologists would not be eligible for this exception and must be licensed by the NC Psychology Board.
- $10 million appropriated from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to the School Psychologists Recruitment and Retention Pilot Program
School Nutrition
- $75 million appropriated from the Coronavirus Relief Funds to DPI for school nutrition services provided by public school units in response to COVID-19.
- This bill requires DHHS to calculate a solvency range for each LME/MCO.