SB 284 – County Cybersecurity/Satellite Broadband Grants

Primary Sponsor: Sen. Ralph Hise (R-Madison)

*This bill was transformed into a new bill via a proposed Committee Substitute on 6/22/2020. This bill was previously a State Auditor compliance and regulation bill.


This bill would create a pilot program within the Information Technology Innovation Center within the Department of Information Technology to utilize public-private partnerships to provide comprehensive cybersecurity support services in tier 1 and tier 2 counties.

The bill would create a pilot program within DIT to implement a program management enhancement program.

The bill would establish the satellite based Broadband Grant Program in DIT to provide grants to satellite-based broadband providers based on maintaining new, unserved households as subscribers. The bill would have $4 million for all grants.

This bill would create a time limitation for State agency determination for new leases and lease renewals for colocation, installation, and operation of equipment by a broadband provider to expedite lease agreements.

The bill would appropriate $12.5 million to appropriate to the Department of Information Technology for certain projects.


This bill passed in House Appropriations on June 22, 2020.

This bill passed the House on June 23, 2020.

The Senate failed to concur with the House changes on June 25, 2020.