New Hanover and Pender County Medical Society Gets Outline of NCMS Priorities from Chip Baggett
(WILMINGTON) — North Carolina Medical Society EVP/CEO Chip Baggett greeted an excited crowd in Wilmington Wednesday night at the New Hanover Pender Counties Medical Society was treated to an evening hosted by NCMS.
Baggett outlined the strategic priorities of the NCMS and answered questions from the crowd. He stressed how NCMS is working for our members and for patients across the state. Issues included how NCMS is making it easier for you to care for your patients, ensuring you have a choice of where and how you practice, the NCMS Leadership College, and helping you care for yourself so you can continue to show up for your patients.
Guests included NCMS Board member Dr. Claude Jarrett and former NCMS President Dr. Michael Utecht.
The presentation ended with Baggett saying “We are a political animal, medicine is a political animal, society is a political animal, you as doctors are political animals. I think it is really important in a time where everybody is talking about absolutes, we need to be the example of how to live a better society. I believe you do that every single day. Every single day in your clinic you show up and talk to patients who you don’t know everything about. You don’t know everything that is going on in their life. You don’t know what brought them to other problems in their life outside of medical issues. You sit down and have a conversation with them about their needs in that moment. Right then right there. You find a solution. You don’t worry about if they voted for the person you voted for, you don’t care if they are running for office, you don’t care if they can pay their bill. You just see them and take care of them.
Go forth and befriend. Befriend those who don’t look, live, love, or vote like you. May your friendships so confuse the world that the church and state have to change their rules to make sense of your friendships. I believe we are doing that. If we can get our friends to do what you are doing on a daily basis we will have a better society. ”
Empowered Members Power Change
Flood the General Assembly with White Coats June 12!
There is power in numbers, and a great way to demonstrate that is by joining your colleagues for a day of legislative engagement in Raleigh!
We’ll gather at the NCMS headquarters in the morning for a brief overview of the day (and breakfast!). Learn about the latest developments at the NC General Assembly and the best messaging to use when meeting with your legislators. Then head down to the Legislative Building to meet one-on-one with your representatives and attend committee meetings on important healthcare issues. We’ll wrap up the day with a Legislative Reception at the NC Museum of History. Share your experiences from the day with other attendees and NCMS staff while enjoying light hors d’oeuvres and drinks!
Space is limited, so be sure to register soon!