The NCGA House Health Committee met on Wednesday, June 10, 2o20, at 10:00am.

NCDHHS Secretary, Dr. Mandy Cohen, MD provided a COVID-19 overview.

Data Update

Currently, there are 37,160 laboratory confirmed cases.

  • 1,029 deaths
  • 525,711 completed tests
  • 774 currently hospitalized

She noted that an estimated 51% of adults in NC are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 based on being 65 or older, one underlying health health conditions, or both.

Contact Tracing

There are over 1,100 staff users who have completed the State-led training on contract tracing. 252 additional contact tracers have been hired through Community Care of NC to increase diversity.

Slow the Spread

She stated that North Carolinians can slow the spread of the virus by:

  • Wear. Wait. Wash.
  • Getting tested when needed.
  • Answering the call so that others that may have been exposed get support and resources.


NCDHHS has worked closely with the NC Department of Public Instruction and the NC State Board of Education to plan for reopening schools for the 2020-21 school year. This includes the StrongSchoolsNC Public Health Tooolkit (K-12) which lays out baseline health practices to minimize COVID-19 exposure.