SB 152 NC Cancer Treatment Fairness
Primary Sponsors: Sen. Ralph Hise (R – Madison), Sen. Jerry Tillman (R – Moore), Sen. Andrew Brock (R – Davie)
HB 206 NC Cancer Treatment Fairness
Primary Sponsors: Rep. David Lewis (R – Harnett), Rep. Darren Jackson (D – Wake), Rep. Donny Lambeth (R – Forsyth), Rep. Pat McElraft (R – Carteret)
This bill was heard in the House on April 10, 2017.
Rep. Jeff Collins (R – Nash) sent forward a 2 page amendment to address reporting and manufacturers.
This amendment was ruled out of order.
The bill passed with a vote of 90-22, and will now move to the Senate.
If passed, this bill would require health benefit plans to provide coverage for prescribed, orally administered anticancer drugs. The bill states coverage for orally administered anticancer drugs would not be subject to prior authorization dollar limits, co-payments, coinsurance or deductible provisions or out of pocket costs. The bill also states insurers cannot reclassify anticancer drugs in order to comply with this bill.
This bill was referred to the House Health Committee on March 1, 2017.
The bill was heard in the House Health Committee on April 6, 2017. There was a lengthy discussion among the Committee about the cost of care and prescriptions. The bill received a favorable report and then moved to the House floor.