Meet some of your fellow NCMS members in our Member Spotlight!
1. What is a quote that has had a significant influence on your life and why?
Not sure who quoted this, but I say it often… “Nothing in life worth having is easy.” I appreciate this quote because it reminds me that hard work is always rewarding, and the end result is worth it. For example, earning your education may seem hard while in the journey but being able to practice medicine in my community brings daily rewards. treated with the same dignity.
2. Where are you from originally?
I am originally from Pembroke, North Carolina.
3. How did you decide to become a physician?
I decided to become a Physician Assistant after learning about what the job entails, and I knew it would be a great career.
4. What do you like about practicing in an underserved area?
I am originally from the community I practice in and while it is underserved, it is home. I enjoy working with the people of my Native American tribe: the Lumbee people, as well as caring for patients from all different ethnic backgrounds. As I care for such a diverse population, I am learning everyday what I can do more to help bring better and more efficient healthcare to our underserved areas of North Carolina.
5. Is your practice using any tools to address social determinates of health for patients?
Yes, we use a social determinants of health (SDOH) screening which is given to all patients upon check in. These questions are reviewed before seeing each patient and if a need is determined, a conversation can be engaged, and a resource guide is given to the patient’s family. Patients and families are surprised, yet grateful, we are asking these questions and helping in any way we can. Our practice also partners with Kawanis of Lumberton to stock and offer basic household necessities that include diapers and wipes, canned goods, toothbrushes and toothpaste, etc. for patients as they have a need.
6. Please tell us how Covid has affected your practice and some of the changes you have made.
Safety was always at the forefront of our minds when we thought about what impact Covid would have on our office. Our number of in-office visits did decrease for a while, as anticipated, yet due to my awesome management and staff that worked hard, we were able to keep seeing patients when they needed us. We were able to learn how to use Telehealth and care for our patients while they were home and encouraged families to feel safe to come in for their children’s well-childcare, in-office sick visits and follow ups. We worked as a team to keep our office environment safe and available for all our patients. Through hard work and prayer, Robeson Pediatrics was able to thrive during the pandemic. Our staff was able to continue working and our patients cared for as we did prior to the pandemic. We keep thriving even still today.
7. Do you have any hobbies or activities for self-care?
I enjoy time at home with my husband of 14 years, Carrington, and daughter, Maggie, age 4. I enjoy spending time in my community with family and friends. I was the President of the Pembroke Lions Club International chapter from 2019-2021 and continue to participate as an active member in fundraising and monthly meetings. I enjoy traveling when able, singing, attending church and reading the Bible.