Research on “micro-nature” demonstrates its positive impact on employee performance and well-being.



Corporations around the globe are realizing that employees need a connection to nature.  Google, LL Bean, Facebook, Uber, Nike, and LinkedIn are working to go green in a new way.  The understand the benefits of plants in the office.  New research on micro-nature, the incorporation of small, affordable natural elements, is showing a positive impact on employees.

A new article in the Harvard Business Review shows that exposure to nature at work boosts productivity, helpfulness, and creativity.  It also says there is no evidence of negative side effects.

The research worked with people in the U.S, Canada, China, New Zealand, and Indonesia.  The results were consistent, showing that even small doses of nature at work improved the way employees felt.  The findings indicate that micro-nature in the workplace can contribute to worker well-being and performance.

To read the article with the full report click here.

For the best plants for your office, according to plant experts, click here.