If you are a Triangle-area physician, the YMCA of the Triangle in partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina has evidence-based chronic disease prevention programs to support your patients through a YMCA Medical Membership program. You can refer a patient through the NCMS Foundation’s Our Community Health Initiative (OCHI) software platform directly to the YMCA of the Triangle for any of the six program offerings; diabetes prevention, weight management, high blood pressure, falls prevention, support for cancer survivors, or childhood and family weight management.
Medical Memberships are a bundled service that provide care coordination, a YMCA membership and the evidence-based program as prescribed due to your diagnosis.
Find out if a Medical Membership is right for your patients. Programs are starting soon! Your patients can find out more about cost and program enrollment here.
For additional questions please contact Medical Membership at [email protected] or at 919-582-9396