Because COVID restrictions curtailed meetings, recent annual elections of WCMS officers and Executive Council members were suspended, and current members of the Executive Council extended their time in office for several years. Now the time has come to again elect officers and at-large members of our Executive Council at our October general meeting. While several of our senior members are willing to continue to serve, we are very much in need of fresh new leadership, younger and more diverse.
Service on the Executive Council is not arduous, about 4 -5 meetings per year, currently being held in person / Zoom hybrid format. Please contact Ted Kunstling [email protected] if you are interested in serving or would like more information. Perhaps you have a goal or aspiration which you would like to achieve or accomplish with the support of the WCMS.
Medical professionals in Wake County deserve and need their own independent professional organization, but if it is to survive, it is essential that leaders step forward. We need you. You will find that it is very personally rewarding and gratifying to serve your fellow physicians and surgeons.