Congress is considering a budget resolution that includes reconciliation instructions intended to enable the repeal of significant portions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The budget resolution is a statement of priorities, but it does not have the force of law. The goal is for both the US Senate and House of Representatives to complete action on the budget resolution by Jan. 20 when President-elect Trump is inaugurated.
The reconciliation legislation to repeal portions of the Affordable Care Act would be developed over the next couple of months by the Finance and the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions committees in the Senate, and by the Energy & Commerce and Ways & Means committees in the House. Senate procedural rules have led the Republican leadership to pursue a “repeal and replace” strategy that would require passage of two separate bills. Under discussion is a plan to pass a reconciliation bill that would repeal major portions of the ACA but defer the implementation date for two, three or more years to allow for a transition to a new health reform framework and passage of a separate “replacement package.”
The AMA position, articulated by the House of Delegates at its November Interim Meeting, reiterates its commitment to assuring Americans have coverage and access to high-quality, affordable health care. The position is outlined in this letter to Congressional leadership and in this list of nine objectives that will guide the AMA’s evaluation of any future reform proposals.