We’ve been hearing concerns about reimbursement for telehealth, testing and other issues arising from Covid-19. For NCMS Employee Benefit Plan member practices, the NCMS Plan has signed an amendment with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC covering COVID-19 testing.

Helpful Resources:

UPDATED! NCMS Compilation of Payers’ Telehealth Policies (4/15/2020)

The Physicians Foundation has begun a new initiative to help physicians implement telehealth services: https://physiciansfoundation.org/the-telehealth-initiative/

Review the Guidance for Insurers Regarding Coverage and Cost Sharing Requirements Related to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency released from Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey. (3/12/2020)

Below is information from each of the major commercial insurance companies in the state and what they have provided thus far to their physicians and PAs.

Guidance on telehealth
Aetna Covid FAQs

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of NC
Telehealth policy
Updated clinical guidance

Testing reimbursement
Telehealth update

Message for clinicians with resource links
Telehealth guidance

United Healthcare
Reimbursement/Coding Guidance (updated by United Healthcare as of Tuesday, March 18.)
Telehealth guidance  (This is updated guidance from United Healthcare as of Tuesday, March 18.)