Registration is open for the next webinar in the AMA Advocacy Insights series – “Strategies to address the nation’s worsening drug overdose and death epidemic” – on December 12 at 11:30 a.m. Central time.

The 2023 AMA Overdose Epidemic Report finds that – despite positive actions from physicians, growth in harm reduction services, and policy advancements – the nation’s drug overdose and death epidemic is deadlier than ever. The annual report details many of the reasons the epidemic persists, largely due to illicitly manufactured fentanyl and the continued lack of meaningful implementation and enforcement of policies that support affordable, accessible, and evidence-based care for patients with substance use disorders or pain.

Learn more in this webinar about policy actions that need to be taken, harm reduction strategies that should be implemented more broadly, and efforts by physicians and the AMA Substance Use and Pain Care Task Force to end the epidemic.