For the first time in its history, the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) held a membership wide election for its leadership after suspending the House of Delegates form of governance last fall. Every member had the opportunity to cast their vote electronically or by paper ballot resulting in a record turnout of nearly 500 votes, far exceeding previous House of Delegate elections. The newly elected representatives are:
- President elect: John L. Reynolds, MD
- Board of Directors Region 2 representative: Jeffrey Runge, MD
- Board of Directors At-large representative: Brian S. Kuszyk, MD
- AMA Delegate, Chair: John R. Mangum, MD
- AMA Delegate: Darlyne Menscer, MD
- AMA Delegate: William Bowman, MD
- AMA Alternate Delegate: Hadley Callaway, MD
- AMA Alternate Delegate: Liana Puscas, MD
And elected to 2-year terms on the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee:
- Region 1: Scott Avery, MD
- Region 1: Michael Moulton, MD
- Region 2: Pedrag Gligorovic, MD
- Region 3: Sanjay Garg, MD