The North Carolina Partnership for Compassionate Care (NCPCC) has a new administrative home that offers the support and the infrastructure needed to carry forward the organization’s mission of ensuring patients’ choices are openly discussed, documented and honored.
This news is particularly significant since Medicare will now reimburse for advanced care planning conversations with patients and Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina recently announced it will begin paying for such discussions with patients as of March 15, 2016. Read BCBSNC’s policy. The NCPCC offers valuable resources to physicians and patients as they have advanced care planning conversations.
The North Carolina Medical Society Foundation (NCMSF), which has been instrumental in fostering the NCPCC’s mission, now has joined forces with the Community Partnership for Compassionate Care, which has been successful in promoting advance care planning through their Got Plans? Initiative ( as well as with the North Carolina Bar Association (NCBA), which has promoted advanced care planning through their A Gift To Your Family Initiative. With all initiatives housed together within the Hospice & Palliative CareCenter in Winston-Salem, the reach of each organization’s message will be extended and patients’ end-of-life care choices will be more effectively promoted.
The NCPCC website will remain the same If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].