On Thursday, March 5, members of the NC ACO Collaborative packed the auditorium of the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) Center for Leadership in Medicine in Raleigh for the first of its twice- yearly meeting. The gathering brings together ACOs, aspiring ACOs, ACO participants and other interested parties like the representatives from the State Health Plan, the NC Department of Medical Assistance and vendors. The Collaborative has grown in attendance as those associated with this burgeoning model of care seek to share their experiences and look for ways to collaborate and support each other. A sub-group of the Collaborative also has formed for ACOs that are participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) to address issues particular to that program.
John Meier, MD, and Ray Coppedge, Executive Director, both of Key Physicians in Raleigh, shared information about their ACO and fielded their colleagues’ questions. Melanie Phelps, Deputy General Counsel for the NCMS and Associate Executive Director of the NCMS Foundation and the person who convenes the NC ACO Collaborative, gave a brief overview of the current status of ACOs in North Carolina. Bo Bobbitt, a partner at Smith Anderson law firm in Raleigh, who has spearheaded development of a variety of toolkits for doctors interested in ACOs, provided an update on recent initiatives and announcements by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS and national health insurers have accelerated the move toward value-based arrangements and have signaled their commitment to this approach through a variety of new funding opportunities. View the PowerPoint slides.
The next meeting of the ACO Collaborative is tentatively set for Thursday, September 17, at the NCMS Center for Leadership in Medicine in Raleigh. If you are interested in attending, please contact Melanie Phelps or call her at 919-833-3836.