The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Health Benefits and North Carolina AHEC are offering an evening webinar series to help providers, practice managers, and quality managers succeed with Medicaid Managed Care.

Hosted by Shannon Dowler, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the NC Division of Health Benefits, the Medicaid Managed Care webinars on the 3rd Thursday of the month are dedicated to bringing you late breaking information and guidance on NC Medicaid’s transition to Managed Care.

Topics will vary, but each session will include an open question and answer period. Upcoming topics will include: pharmacy and durable medical equipment, behavioral health, transitions of care, specialized therapies, quality measures, network adequacy, provider directory, billing, incentive payments, clinical coverage policy updates, and more.

Medicaid Managed Care Webinar Series:
Fireside (Winter)/Back Porch (Spring) Chats on Hot Topics

October 19, 2023 | Topic TBD
January 18, 2024 | Topic TBD
March 21, 2024 | Topic TBD
May 16, 2024 | Topic TBD

This webinar series is from 5:30-6:30 PM.

In addition, Medicaid Transformation Provider Services and North Carolina AHEC are offering a series of Virtual Office Hours for providers. These sessions offer an interactive format for providers to ask questions on a variety of Medicaid Managed Care topics.

December 7, 2023 @ 5:30 p.m. | Provider Enrollment
March 7, 2024 @ 5:30 p.m. | Provider Enrollment
June 6, 2024 @ 5:30 p.m. | Provider Enrollment


Be sure to watch your Morning Rounds for topic and registration information.