SAVE THE DATE: The North Carolina Department of Justice is bringing together law enforcement, public health, medical, legal and public policy professionals to discuss how to curb prescription drug and opioid abuse in North Carolina at a conference to be held on August 11 at the McKimmon Center on the North Carolina State University Campus in Raleigh. Please save the date. Registration will open in July. For more information contact Natalie Wood, [email protected] or 919-716-6073.
The North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA) 22nd Annual Conference & Exhibition, “The New Healthcare Ecosystem,” is scheduled for Aug. 29-31 at the Omni Grove Park Resort in Asheville. The conference provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the latest developments and best practices in healthcare IT, and network with your peers.
28th Annual Fall Foliage Cancer Conference, “Update on Melanoma and Gastrointestinal Cancers,” will be held Oct. 21-22 at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville. More information and registration available here.
Save the Date: The North Carolina Chapter of the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) will hold its 2016 Health Insurance Institute on Sept. 22-23, at the Sheraton Hotel, Four Seasons in Greensboro. Online registration will begin on Friday, July 1.
MAHEC, working with the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, The Governor’s Institute on Substance Abuse and Project Lazarus: A Project of CCNC, is offering A Guide to Rational Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain, an online education course. The course is designed for all prescribing health care practitioners who are interested in an overview of the rational prescribing approaches for persons with chronic pain disorders. It will fulfill the North Carolina Medical Board’s requirement of at least one hour of continuing education designed specifically to address prescribing practices for chronic pain management. The course cost is $15 for the first 6 months. Offers 3 hours of AAFP, AMA/AAFP Equivalency, and CDE;
Watch seven new MLN Connects videos on the Medicare Quality Reporting Programs, focusing on the requirements you need to meet in 2016. For those who participated in the webinars held in February, the information in these modules mirrors the information shared on those calls:
Introduction: Medicare Quality Reporting Programs: What Eligible Professionals Need to Know in 2016. Run time: 15 minutes.
Module 1: Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) Preview. Run time: 6 minutes.
Module 2: 2016 Incentive Payments and 2018 Payment Adjustments. Run time: 9 minutes.
Module 3: 2016 Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) Updates. Run time: 20 minutes.
Module 4: 2018 Value-Based Payment Modifier (VM) Policies. Run time: 17 minutes.
Module 5: Physician Compare Updates in 2016. Run time: 6 minutes.
Module 6: Meaningful Use of Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (CEHRT) in 2016. Run time: 16 minutes.