NCTracks is offering the following courses in December. Providers can register for these courses in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System. Logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort.
Friday, Dec. 18 – 9 to 11:00 a.m. – Recipient Eligibility Verification learn to use the Eligibility Verification System (EVS), which provides information regarding a recipient’s eligibility for services in real time. This course will be taught at the CSC facility in Raleigh. The course includes hands-on training and will be limited to 45 participants.
Friday, Dec. 18 – 1 to 2:30 p.m. – Managed Care Referrals and Overrides shows authorized users how to submit Managed Care Referrals and inquire about Managed Care Referrals and Overrides. This course will be offered at the CSC facility in Raleigh. It involves hands-on training and will be limited to 45 participants.
The Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC) fall course schedule is out. Find out what is being offered July through December 2015 and register today.
A video recording of the “PQRS/Value-Based Provider Modifier: What Medicare Professionals Need to Know in 2015” presentation has been posted to the CMS MLN Connects® page on YouTube. This presentation is the same as the webinars that were delivered on March 31, 2015 and April 7, 2015 by the Philadelphia Regional Office. View the video.
The 2nd Annual Bundled Payment Implementation Forum: How to Make Your Bundled Payment Program Work will be held Jan. 25-26, 2016 at the Wyndham Orlando Resort in Orlando, FL. Learn more about the program and register here. For questions, call 866-676-7689.
Mark your calendar now. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will host a series of one-hour webinars to discuss recent updates and the future of Physician Compare, including a publicly reported benchmark. (See related article in this issue of the Bulletin.)
The webinar will be conducted via WebEx at the following times. (All sessions will present the same information.):
- Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 at noon ET
- Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016 at 4 pm ET
- Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 at 11 am ET
Registration details will be sent at a later date.