SB 161 – Conforming LME/MCO Grievances/Appeals
Primary Sponsors: Sen. Ralph Hise (R – Madison), Sen. Louis Pate (R – Wayne), Sen. Joyce Krawiec (R – Forsyth)
This bill would make changes to the NC LME/MCO enrollee grievances and appeals statutes in order to conform to changes in federal law. This bill would change the request for an appeal from 30 days to 60 days after the mailing date of the adverse benefit determination. This bill states the enrollee could request a contested case hearing if the enrollee has exhausted the LME/MCO process under the Code of Federal Regulation or the NC General Statute 108D -14.
This bill would also change the LME/MCO requirement to resolve an expedited appeal from three working days to 72 hours.
This bill was referred to the Senate Rules and Operations Committee on 3.2.2017. It was withdrawn from the Senate Rules and Operations Committee on 3.21.2017.
This bill was re-referred to the Senate Health Care Committee on 3.21.2017. The bill received a favorable report in the Senate Health Care Committee on 4.5.2017.
The bill will now move to the Senate Rules and Operations Committee.