The American Medical Association is currently soliciting applications to fill three vacancies on the AMPAC Board of Directors.

In 2024, two members of the AMPAC Board will reach maximum tenure and one member has resigned creating three vacancies. New members will be appointed by the AMA Board of Trustees at the September 2024 meeting. Members of the AMPAC Board serve a two-year term and may be eligible to serve three additional terms for a maximum tenure of eight years.

Applicants must submit the Board-approved application, a three-page (maximum) executive CV, and may submit one letter of recommendation. For additional information on the application process and to download the most current AMPAC application form (pdf), please visit our website.

All applicants must also complete a Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure statement. This process has been automated by the AMA Office of the General Counsel, and a secure link will be emailed to each applicant. Application materials will not be considered until the COI disclosure has been completed.

Please submit AMPAC applications to [email protected] no later than Thursday, August 15, 2024 @5:00 PM Central Time.