North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) CEO Robert W. Seligson has been monitoring the health care legislative and regulatory scene at the federal level. Here are a few recent highlights.
- The NCMS issued a statement when the US House of Representatives passed a revised version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) on May 4. Read the NCMS statement as well as what other prominent health care figures had to say.
- On Monday, the AMA sent a letter to the US Senate Majority and Minority leaders re-affirming its principles and objectives for health system reform. Read the letter.
- The NCMS has joined with dozens of other state and specialty societies to sign onto a letter to Seema Verma, Administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) expressing concern over CMS’ planned enactment of the Social Security Number Removal Initiative (SSNRI). The letter outlines how this initiative has the potential to significantly disrupt patient care and physician payment. Read the letter.
- President Donald Trump appointed North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper to the Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. Also appointed to the commission are: Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey as chair; Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts; Former U.S. Representative Patrick J. Kennedy of Rhode Island and Bertha K. Madras of Massachusetts. Among the charges of the commission is to study the scope and effectiveness of the Federal response to drug addiction and the opioid crisis and to identify and report on best practices for addiction prevention, including health care provider education and evaluation of prescription practices, and the use and effectiveness of State prescription drug monitoring programs.