
Acronym du jour: MACRA
This is a new one to add to your collection. We could say it replaces SGR (sustainable growth rate) since it is the abbreviation for the legislation that repealed the SGR after many years. It stands for Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act. Please add it to your acronym lexicon since it will no doubt be used a lot in the coming years as this new law plays out.
Thoughts on Passage of Ban the Tan Bill:
“Today we celebrate passage of this important legislation, but we also honor those who have had their lives changed by skin cancer – the survivors, the family members, those who lost the battle. We take pride in knowing that this legislation will save lives, helping in a tangible way in our children and young adults to fight the growing epidemic of skin cancer. As doctors, we are thankful to our legislators for their support and action on this important health issue.”  — Russell Kilpatrick, MD, President, North Carolina Dermatology Association
See news story below for details on the long-awaited passage of this bill.
What Do Other States’ Medicaid Programs Look Like:
Here is a useful state-by-state description of Medicaid programs throughout the country:
NC Senate Oks Under-18 Tanning Bed Ban, Raleigh News & Observer
This Breast Cancer Screening Catches Way More Tumors Than Mammography, Huffington Post