NCMS Leadership College at the Legislature:
The NCMS Leadership College Class of 2015 spent yesterday meeting with lawmakers and observing what goes on at the North Carolina General Assembly as part of White Coat Wednesday. Leadership College scholar Karen Cannon, MD, Chief Medical Operations Officer for CHESS, a population health management company based in High Point, was recognized as a guest in the Senate gallery by her Senator Joyce Krawiec (R-Yadkin, Forsythe).
Bird Flu Advisory from the CDC:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is warning clinicians that humans could be infected by highly-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A H5 viruses that have been circulating among US poultry flocks. Read the CDC advisory.
NCMS Annual Meeting Speaker To Address Physician Burnout:
With dismal statistics showing that 46 percent of practicing American physicians suffer burnout, the NCMS is bringing in an expert on how health care practitioners — physicians and physician assistants — can remain resilient in dealing with the many pressures they face and the burgeoning bureaucracy in the practice of medicine today. Watch your snail mail and email for the details on this important program. And mark your calendar for our Annual Meeting on Oct. 23-24 at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro. You won’t want to miss it!