NC Medicaid is providing Instructions for providers requesting removal of NC Medicaid Direct members from their patient panel. To have an NC Medicaid Direct member reassigned:
- Verify that members to be reassigned are active by using the NCTracks Recipient Eligibility Verification tool or by calling the NCTracks Call Center for more information: 800-688-6696
- Send the list of member IDs and the reason for reassignment to the main fax number of the local Department of Social Service (DSS) office in the members’ respective county of residence to initiate the reassignment process.
- If the submitted member(s) continues to appear on the provider’s panel the month following submission to DSS, follow-up with the DSS office in the members’ respective county of residence through email.
The Department has provided DSS additional guidance on the reassignment process with the intent of expediting the reassignment timeline.
For existing Help Center inquiries related to NC Medicaid Direct member reassignment, the Department will respond with the following message:
“Thank you for submitting your inquiry. Unfortunately, the Department is unable to reassign Medicaid Direct members at this time. We have shared correspondence with DSS offices reiterating the PCP change process and emphasizing the importance of timely processing of these such requests. Please resend these members to DSS for reassignment. This ticket will be closed.”
Question? Contact NC Medicaid Contact Center, 888-245-0179