NC Medicaid has released updates to the January Tailored Care Management (TCM) Provider Manual. These updates aim to enhance clarity and provide flexibility for providers. Notable changes include:
- Clarification on Applicability of the Provider Manual to Tailored Plans / Local Management Entities/Managed Care Organizations (LME/MCOs)
- New Flexibility on Supervising Care Manager’s Role in Reviewing Care Plans/ISPs
- Revised Requirement on Timeframe to Complete the Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
- New Flexibility and Clarifications on the Process for Conducting the Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
- Clarification on Ability to Address Urgent Needs Prior to the Care Management Comprehensive Assessment
- Clarification on the Requirements for Reassessment
- Clarification on Care Manager’s Role in 1915(i) Care Coordination
The January Provider Manual update and summary of updates are available on the Tailored Care Management webpage under Provider Manual.