NCTracks Training Courses Available in May 2015. Unless otherwise noted, all courses will be offered at the CSC facility (2610 Wycliff Road, Suite 102, Raleigh, NC 27607-3073) and involves hands-on training. Enrollment will be limited to 45 participants. To register for these courses, logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. Open the folder labeled Provider Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Instructor Led Training (ILT). The courses can be found in the sub-folders labeled ILTs: On-site and ILTs: Remote via WebEx, depending on the format of the course. Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort.
- Monday, May 18 – 9 a.m. to noon – Provider Web Portal Applications Webinar (WebEx) will guide providers through the process of submitting all types of provider applications found on the NCTracks Provider Portal. This course is taught via WebEx and can be attended remotely from any location with a telephone, computer and internet connection. The WebEx will be limited to 115 participants.
- Wednesday, May 27 – 9:30 a.m. to noon – Prior Approval – Medical (Professional) will cover submitting Prior Approval (PA) Requests to help ensure compliance with Medicaid clinical coverage policy and medical necessity. It will also cover Prior Approval inquiry to check on the status of the PA Request.
- Wednesday, May 27 – 1 to 4 p.m. – Submitting a Professional Claim will focus on how to submit a Professional Claim via the NCTracks Provider Portal.
The North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA) offers the following session to learn more about how good data can help you care for your patients.
- Pain Management Updates for the Primary Care Provider on May 16, at the Friday Center in Chapel Hill. Register Here.
A workshop on The Role of Coordinated Team Care in Improving the Health of Children and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, will be held on May 20, and is an opportunity for medical and disability professionals to learn from one another and develop partnerships and plans promoting coordinated team care. Registration is $25, limited to 50 participants, and includes lunch, breaks and CMEs/CEUs. Contact Kelly Crosbie for more information.
June 2, 2015, Predictive Analytics Workshop, The Research Triangle Foundation, RTP, NC
This one-day workshop will demonstrate how Accountable Care Organizations and others are using predictive analytics to support their goals of improving quality and reducing costs. Speakers include Shantanu Nigam (Jvion), Angela Diaz (CCME) and J.C. Layton (InfraScience). The registration fee is $199 NCHICA member/$299 non-member. Click here for further details and to register.
Learn more about the 2014 Mid-Year Quality and Resource Use Reports (MYQRURs) on this Medicare Learning Network (MLN) National Provider Call on Wednesday, June 3; 1:30-3pm. The call will provide an overview of the 2014 MYQRUR and explain how to interpret and use the information in the report. Learn more about the reports on the MYQRUR web page. To Register: Visit MLN Connects® Upcoming Calls. Space may be limited, register early. The call will be more meaningful if you have your MYQRUR in front of you to follow along. Visit the How to Obtain a QRUR web page and access your report prior to the call.
Cleveland Clinic Florida’s 6th Annual Internal Medicine Review Board, May 30, 2015 – June 3, 2015 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Sunrise, Florida, assists Internal Medicine physicians and residents who are preparing to take their boards. More info.
Save the date — June 12, 2015, for Go SIMple, an opportunity to learn about the hottest trends in simulation education from experts. The training session will be held at Campbell University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Lillington, NC.
Move to Value Summit, the ultimate primer on value-based health care will be held at Biotech Place in Winston-Salem Aug. 27-28. Hosted by CHESS Health Enablement Solutions and sponsored by Wake Forest Baptist Health and LabCorp, the Move to Value Summit is designed to provide you with a broad and deep understanding of what it takes to transform your fee-for-service-dependent organization to one rooted in pay-for-value. Learn more and register.