SB 599 – Open Skating Rinks/Bowling Alleys
This bill would authorize skating rinks and bowling alleys to resume operations and modify the capacity of temporary outdoor seating for food and drink establishments.
Outdoor seating for food and drink establishments would limit seating capacity to 50% of the current indoor seating capacity or 100 customers, whichever is less.
This bill would limit minor league baseball stadiums to 10% of spectator capacities.
SB 599 – State and Local Disability Reform
Primary Sponsors: Sen. Chuck Edwards (R-Buncombe), Sen. Andy Wells (R-Catawba), Sen. Rick Horner (R-Nash)
Bill Summary
This bill attempts to modernize the Medical Review Board and to make technical correction.
The bill would change language of how the board could be composed. Current law states that the board must be made up of at least 3 physicians but no more than five physicians. The current bill language would remove the “no more than five physicians” language.
Bill Movement
This bill was filed on April 3, 2019.
This bill was referred to the following Senate committees:
- Pensions, Retirement, Aging – passed May 2, 2019
- Rules – passed May 5, 2019
- Passed Senate Floor on May 7, 2019
- This bill was changed into a new bill on House Rules Committee on June 15, 2020 to open bowling alleys and skating rinks.
- This bill passed the House 68-52 on June 16, 2020.
- This bill passed the Senate 32-15 on June 18, 2020.
- The Governor vetoed the bill on July 2, 2020.
- The Senate failed to override the veto on July 8, 2020.