It’s the most wonderful time of the year … for scammers!
The Better Business Bureau has compiled a list of the top 12 holiday scams this holiday season, with guidance on how to avoid most of them: always exercise caution with social media ads promoting discounted items, holiday events, job opportunities, and donation requests, as well as direct messages from strangers. If you are asked to make a payment or donation by wire transfer, through a third party, or by prepaid debit or gift card, treat it as a red flag.
Don’t let these scams steal your holiday joy:
1. Misleading social media ads
2. Social media gift exchanges
3. Holiday apps
4. Fake toll collection texts
5. Free gift cards
6. Temporary holiday jobs
7. Impostor scams
8. Fake charities
9. Fake shipping notifications
10. Advent calendars
11. Holiday wishlist items
12. Puppy scams