SB 404 – A Second Chance for LIFE
Primary Senate Sponsors: Sen. Joyce Krawiec (R-Davie, Forsyth); Sen. Lisa Barnes (R-Johnston, Nash); Sen. Amy Galey (R-Alamance, Guilford)
This bill:
- Requires DHHS to publish and make available printed materials designed to inform women about the possibility of reversing a drug induced abortion.
- Requires physicians who prescribe, dispense, or otherwise provide any drug or chemical for the purpose of inducing an abortion to give the patient written information made available by DHHS regarding the possibility of reversing a drug induced abortion immediately after administering the first drug or chemical for the purpose of inducing an abortion in order for consent to an abortion to be considered voluntary and informed.
- Requires the woman who received an abortion to certify, in writing, that she has been provided with the specified information and informed of her opportunity to review the same.
- Makes it a Class 1 felony to administer or prescribe or advise and procure for a pregnant woman to take any medication or anything whatsoever with the intent to procure an abortion or use any instrument for the same purpose.
Filed – 3/30/2021