NC Immunization Program/Vaccines for Children (NCIP/VFC)
Under NC Immunization Program/Vaccines for Children (NCIP/VFC) guidelines, the NC Division of Public Health (DPH) Immunization Branch distributes all childhood vaccines that are recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to local health departments, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Rural Health Clinics (RHC), hospitals and private providers.
For the 2024-2025 influenza season, NCIP/VFC influenza vaccines are available at no charge to providers for children six months through 18 years of age who are eligible for the VFC program, according to the NCIP coverage criteria. The current NCIP coverage criteria and definitions of VFC categories can be found on DPH’s Immunization Branch web page.
For providers interested in enrolling in the VFC program, information can be found on the CDC information page and the NC DPH website.
Eligible VFC children include ALL Medicaid beneficiaries (through 18 years of age).
For VFC/NCIP vaccines administered to VFC-eligible children, providers must report only the vaccine code(s) with $0.00. Providers may bill NC Medicaid for the administration fee for Medicaid.
Providers who administer privately purchased vaccines to VFC eligible beneficiaries will NOT be reimbursed for the vaccine and cannot bill the beneficiary for that cost. Only the administration fee(s) will be reimbursed.
Providers must purchase vaccines for beneficiaries who are not VFC-eligible. For Medicaid-eligible beneficiaries aged 19 years and older, purchased vaccine and administration costs may be billed to NC Medicaid, according to the guidelines stated in Tables 2 and 3 below. To determine who is eligible for NCIP influenza and other vaccines, visit DPH’s Immunization Branch web page.
For providers interested in enrolling in the VFC program, information can be found on the CDC information page and the NC DPH website.
Eligible VFC children include ALL Medicaid beneficiaries (through 18 years of age).
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