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Domestic Violence Awareness

RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports increasing clinical awareness of suspected incidences of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse or other means of domestic violence; and be it further

Resolved, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports mandatory reporting of

  1. Suspicion of abuse or neglect of a juvenile.
  2. Every case of bullet wound, gunshot wound, powder burn, or any other injury arising from or caused by, or appearing to arise from or be caused by, the discharge of a gun or firearm.
  3. Every case of illness caused by poisoning if it appears to the physician that a criminal act was involved.
  4. Every case of a wound, injury caused or apparently caused by a knife or sharp or pointed instrument if it appears to the physician that a criminal act was involved.
  5. Every case of a wound or injury or illness in which there is grave bodily harm or grave illness if it appears to the physician that it resulted from a criminal act of violence.

(Report J-1997, adopted 11/16/97)
(revised, Report L3-2004, Item 59, adopted 11/14/2004)
(revised, Report I-2009, Item 3-57, adopted 11/01/2009) (reaffirmed, NCMS Policy Review 2015 Report, Item 104, adopted 10/24/2015)