Medicaid Referral Process Streamlined
The NC Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) recently updated its CCNC/CA referral authorization…
DMA Finally Publishes Guidance on Medicaid Recoupment
Two months after NC Medicaid hit physicians with a surprise year-end recoupment, the Division of…
NCTracks Ends ICD-10 Outreach
From NCTracks With ICD-10 working normally, the NCTracks ICD-10 Crosswalk and the NCTracks ICD-10…
Medicaid Re-Credentialing Efforts Resume on Large Scale
Re-credentialing necessary for continued participation in Medicaid/CHIP Thousands of Medicaid…
More NCTracks Users Need to Prepare for ICD-10 Implementation
The results of the second ICD-10 readiness survey for users of the state’s NC Tracks Medicaid…
More Codes Open for Billing by PAs and NPs in NCTracks
There is some news in the long-running saga of CPT codes closed to PAs and NPs since the NCTracks…
ICD-10 Help From NCTracks
NCTracks Medicaid claims system staff is gearing up for the transition to ICD-10, and offers this…
CMS Certifies NCTracks Paving Way for Higher Federal Payments to State
NCTracks, the claims payment system implemented by the North Carolina Department of Health and…
Medicaid Recredentialing Period Extended
The NC Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) has changed the length of time required before a…
Take Action
In 2013, the NC General Assembly included a 3% “withhold” for all Medicaid services with the…
Learning Opportunities
NCTracks Training for February include: Tuesday, Feb. 24 - 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Prior…
We Know the Troubles You’ve Seen
In June 2013, NCMS already knew the transition from HP’s legacy Medicaid claims system to CSC’s…
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