NCTracks Medicaid claims system staff is gearing up for the transition to ICD-10, and offers this advice to providers: Find out what your ICD-10 codes will be by using the latest version of the NCTracks ICD-10 Crosswalk.
The ICD-10 codes in the Crosswalk are the ones that will be used in NCTracks when it is switched to ICD-10 codes on October 1. A few non-specific ICD-9 codes are not in Crosswalk — not in the NCTracks Crosswalk nor the one created by CMS. If you enter a specific ICD-9 code and don’t receive corresponding ICD-10 codes, email the NCTracks staff at [email protected]. Use this email address for all your questions regarding ICD-10 and NCTracks. NCTracks staff promises a personal answer.