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Prospective Review by Health Plans
RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society opposes prospective review programs by health plans, including preauthorization and precertification, that cause undue delay and impairment of appropriate patient care; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society opposes any prospective review programs in urgent or emergent circumstances.
(Resolution 8-1983, adopted 5/7/83)
(revised, Report FF-1993, Item 17, adopted 11/7/93)
(revised, Report H-2003, Item 3 #27, adopted as amended 11/16/03)
(reaffirmed, Report N-2008, Item 2-13, adopted 10/19/2008)
(revised, Report G-2013, Item 2-9, adopted 10/26/2013)
(reaffirmed, Board Report-2018, Item 192, adopted 11/3/2018)