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Access to Shared Medical Information for Victims of Child Abuse and Juveniles in Protective Custody

RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports:

  1. In the case of a disabled adult or juvenile under protective custody of the Department of Social Services, the release of medical and psychiatric records maintained by the Department of Social Services relative to that individual to the individual’s primary care and/or treating physician.
  2. In the case of a disabled adult or juvenile victim, the release of medical and psychiatric records that are necessary for the medical care of the individual to the individual’s primary care and/or treating physician.

(Substitute Resolution 18-2001, adopted 11/11/2001)
(revised, Report R-2007, Item 3-21, adopted 10/21/2007)
(reaffirmed, Report I-2009, Item 2-18, adopted 11/01/2009) (reaffirmed, NCMS Policy Review 2015 Report, Item 49, adopted 10/24/2015)