The Durham Orange County Medical Society met December 14, 2022 at the University Club of Durham to talk about the prevention of firearm injury.
DOCMS invited the medical community of Durham Orange County to learn about firearm policy in NC and to discuss opportunities to intervene and prevent firearm injury in our communities. This discussion was moderated by Nancy Henley, MD.
Guest speakers included:
Becky Ceartas is the Executive Director of North Carolinians Against Gun Violence (NCGV) and has been leading the organization since 2014. She has 22 years of experience with non-profit organizations. Becky became involved in gun violence prevention work after the Sandy Hook tragedy. As a new mom, she was compelled to take action. She now works with volunteers and supporters to fulfill NCGV’s mission, which is to make North Carolina safe from gun violence through educating the public about preventing gun violence, enforcing current laws, and enacting needed new laws.
To download the Ceartas Presentation click here
Dr. Brian Eichner is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Duke in the Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health and has been at Duke since 2006. Since starting at Duke, he has been interested in the pediatrician’s role in preventing gun injury and death and has spoken on this topic in various venues and works with his colleagues on how to discuss firearm injury prevention with families and has worked to improve the provision of gun locks at well child visits across the Duke network. His clinical interests are in the primary care of children with medical complexity and his current research interests are in the early diagnosis of developmental delay and autism.