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Therapeutic Drug Substitution

RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society opposes any law or directive that allows therapeutic drug substitution except in an institutional setting in which a pharmacy and therapeutics committee oversee the process.

(Report BB-1987, adopted 5/2/87)
(amended, Report OO-1997, Item 31, adopted 11/16/97)
(revised, Report L3-2004, Item 44, adopted 11/14/2004)
(reaffirmed, Report I-2009, Item 2-34, adopted 11/01/2009) (reaffirmed, Reaffirmation Report-2014, Item 80, adopted 10/25/2014)
(reaffirmed, NCMS Board Report-2019, Page 3, Item 1-23, adopted 7/26/2019)