Peer Review Committees
RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports organizing peer review committees that are free of conflicts of interest whenever possible. Since conflicts of interest in the peer review process are sometimes inevitable, medical staffs should develop a process for resolving conflicts of interest that centers on the best interests of patients, includes full disclosure of conflicts and potential conflicts, and makes available a fair external review option in appropriate situations.
(Report D-1972, adopted 5/23/72)
(revised, Report II-1988, Item 31, adopted 5/7/88)
(revised, Report MM-1998, Item 4, adopted 11/15/98)
(revised, Report C-2005, Item 8, adopted 10/16/2005)
(revised, Report J-2010, Item 3-6, adopted 10/24/2010)
(technical corrections, Board Report-2018, Item 83, adopted 11/3/2018)