The impact of Hurricane Helene is felt far beyond the physical devastation. The emotional toll has left many individuals and communities grappling with anxiety, loss, and uncertainty. Below are vital mental health support resources available for those affected by Helene.


  • 988 Lifeline: 988 Lifeline – If you need emotional support, reach out to the national mental health hotline: 988.
  • Peer Warmline: Get Support – You’re never alone. | Promise Resource Network
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: Hurricane Helene – Partners Health Management (
  • Help for Helpers Hope4NC website: Hope4NC Helpline | NCDHHS or by phone 1-855-587-3463 to provide mental health support for first responders and volunteers working on our Hurricane Helene disaster response
  • Disaster Distress Hotline: For everyone, we have the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) disaster distress hotline: 1-800-985-5990. This service provides support, listening, and resources specializing in post-disaster trauma.
  • Support for First Responders: We are deploying mental health clinicians for all first responders and have launched the Hope4NC hotline for them at 1-855-587-3463.
  • Counselors at Shelters: Mental health counselors are available at shelters, stocked with naloxone, and have access to methadone. You can find shelters here: Shelters.
  • Opioid Treatment Programs: All opioid treatment programs in the region are open, and individuals can receive their treatment doses at any location, not just their usual one. Treatment options can be found here: Treatment Locations.
  • Vaya Health Resources:  Vaya Health has compiled a comprehensive list of providers addressing urgent needs. Vaya’s 24/7 line is 1-800-849-6127, and the resource list is available here: Vaya Resources. Please note that lists walk-in clinics in each community that are open and available to provide services to members in distress.