The Board of Pharmacy has exercised its authority under G.S. 90-85.25(a) to waive certain requirements of the North Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act to facilitate the provision of patient care during a declared emergency. The Board’s emergency waiver is now in effect and is found here. That waiver allows pharmacists who hold a license in good standing in another state to practice in North Carolina during the period of the declared emergency. NABP has established an emergency Verify credential that out-of-state pharmacists wishing to practice in North Carolina during the Helene emergency may obtain without cost. Instructions for obtaining an emergency Verify credential are found here.
An out-of-state pharmacist must obtain an emergency Verify credential to practicing during the emergency. Once obtained, no further communication with the Board is needed. The Board will maintain a list of out-of-state pharmacists holding the emergency Verify credential here. [source]