The North Carolina Medical Society has the opportunity to nominate a member to be appointed by the Governor to the NC Radiation Protection Commission. Learn more about the NC Radiation Protection Commission here.

As described by the N.C. Radiation Protection Act (G.S. §104E), the Radiation Protection Commission is empowered to promulgate rules to be followed in the administration of a radiation protection program. Through its Advisory Committees, the Commission advises the Department of Health and Human Services in the development of comprehensive policies and programs for the evaluation, determination, and reduction of hazards associated with the use of radiation. All 21 members of the Commission (11 voting members from the public and 10 non-voting ex-officio members) are appointed by the Governor.

Physicians interested in the NC Radiation Protection Commission position should complete the application form and return it to Evan Simmons[email protected], by Monday, March 10th. Interview date for NC Radiation Protection Commission Appointment (Virtual): the evening of Tuesday, March 18th.