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The North Carolina Medical Society supports the following principles and actions to promote the adoption
and implementation of an effective and enhanced team-based care ecosystem:

I. Development of a Statement of Intent and Purpose
♦ Define the roles and responsibilities to meet the health needs and goals of people and
populations to optimize performance through the collective training and competencies of
team members
♦ Determination of team leadership that is versatile and accounts for the environment of care
and the specific needs and goals of each patient or population
♦ Identify shared values and ethics among the interprofessional care team members
♦ Keep the patient at the center of the care team
♦ Develop a collaborative and coordinated process strategy that promotes patient success

II. Promotion of Interprofessional, Multidisciplinary Care
♦ Include shared decision-making with the patient and family/caregiver(s)
♦ Integrate behavioral, physical, oral, and social health
♦ Cultivate a collaborative environment with shared accountability
♦ Promote interoperability across sectors and geography

III. Workforce Preparation
♦ Incorporate the IPEC core competencies and NCICLE Focus Areas into workforce
education and training
♦ Utilize a common language to foster universal understanding and effective communication
among the interprofessional team
♦ Identify objective and reasonable metrics that translate across sectors for data consistency
and efficacy
♦ Recruit and retain a diverse team that reflects the community in which the practice or
organization serves

IV. Support Advanced Payment and Care Delivery Models
♦ Advocate for an equitable payment model that rewards high value, patient-centered care
delivered and coordinated by a diverse team of care providers
♦ Encourage flexible coverage and access to care such as telehealth, remote patient
monitoring, and other social and health innovations
♦ Amplify support and recommendations for administrative simplification to reduce patient
barriers to timely coverage and care

V. Promote Public Awareness
♦ Provide public education that defines team-based care and introduces the various members
and roles that may make up a team for health
♦ Uphold a common and consistent language
♦ Create a communication strategy that incorporates interpretative services and multiple
outreach methods to ensure equitable and broad outreach
♦ Engage community partners
♦ Advocate for technology advancement to drive access and opportunity




(Approved by NCMS Board of Directors; Board Report 11/5/22)