SB 350/HB 389 – North Carolina Innovations Waiver Act of 2021
Primary Senate Sponsors: Sen. Joyce Krawiec (R-Davie, Forsyth); Sen. Jim Burgin (R-Harnett, Johnston, Lee); Sen. Jim Perry (R-Lenoir, Wayne)
Primary House Sponsors: Rep. John Bradford, III (R-Mecklenburg)
This bill appropriates $11,301,000 in recurring funds for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and $26,243,000 in recurring funds for 2022-2023 fiscal year to the Division of Health Benefits to be used to increase the number of NC Innovation Waiver slots and provide a match for $27,334,000 and $54,880,000 in federal recurring funds for 2021-2022 and 2022-2023.
This bill also directs DHB to amend the NC Innovations Waiver to increase the number of slots by 1,000 under the waiver with 1) 800 slots made available by January 1, 2022, and distributed using the allocation formula currently in place as of the date the act becomes law, and 2) 200 slots distributed as provided by the act and available January 1, 2022, unless distribution requires approval by the CMS, then the later of January 1, 2022, or the date that CMS grants or denies approval.
This bill also appropriates $13,122,000 in recurring funds for the 2022-2023 fiscal year to DHB for the NC Innovations Waiver, as a match for the $27,440,000 in federal recurring funds and authorizes DHB to pursue any amendment to the current NC Innovations Waiver or additional 1115(c) waivers to serve the maximum number of individuals that are on the State’s registry of unmet needs.
This bill also directs DHB to convene a group of stakeholders to develop a 10-year plan to address the registry of unmet needs for the NC Innovations Waiver.
SB 350
Filed – 3/25/2021
HB 389
Filed – 3/24/2021