NCMS Joins In Calling On UHC To Delay Consult Code Termination
As previously reported in the Bulletin, the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) along with other…
Suspected Overpayments from BCBSNC
Recently the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) learned that Blue Cross Blue Shield of North…
ALERT: Medicaid To Require Prior Approval for Some Opioid Dosing Beginning Aug. 27
Be aware that beginning Aug. 27, NCTracks will require prior approval for opioid analgesic doses…
Are You Eligible for a Quality Payment Program Hardship Exemption?
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality Payment Program (QPP) Hardship…
NCMS Expresses Concern About UHC’s Plans to Eliminate Consultation Codes
The North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) along with other state and specialty medical societies…
MSSP & Next Gen Council Members Share Best Practices
The NC MSSP & Next Gen Council held its second quarter meeting of 2017 on Thursday, May 25, at…
NC Legislative Update: Staying Vigilant as Budget Process Moves Ahead
The NC Senate unveiled their spending plan for the biennium last week, and the North Carolina…
Meet the Payers at the Multi-Payer Expo On Tuesday in Winston-Salem
Physicians, practice managers and staff will have access to representatives from many of the…
Quick Action Limits Another Medicaid Rate Cut and Recoupment
Immediate action by the North Carolina Pediatric Society and the North Carolina Medical Society…
Legislative Update: Staying Vigilant After ‘Crossover’
Last Thursday the General Assembly passed the Crossover milestone in this long legislative session.…
Organized Medicine Challenged Insurance Mega-Mergers and Won
On April 28, a federal appeals court upheld the lower court’s ruling to block industry giant…
Have You Received Your MIPS Participation Letter Yet?
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is mailing letters letting you know if you…
Trouble with Veterans Choice Program? Here’s Some Troubleshooting Advice
North Carolina Medical Society members have contacted us regarding issues they are having with the…
Legislative Update: As Crossover Looms Here Are Several Key Bills To Watch
The North Carolina Medical Society’s (NCMS) advocacy team will be spending most of their waking…
First Proposed CMS Rule of Trump Administration
Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued its first proposed rule…
Be Aware: New Closed Formulary for State Health Plan Patients
As previously reported in your North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) Bulletin, the State Health…
Update: Prior Authorization Reform Initiative
As reported in the last Bulletin the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) is part of a coalition…
ICYMI: Judge Blocks Aetna-Humana Merger
On Monday, US District Judge John D. Bates blocked the proposed merger of health insurance…
DEA Will Only Remind You Once in 2017
The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has issued a notice that only one renewal notification…
North Carolina State Health Plan Moves to a Custom, Closed Formulary for 2017
The North Carolina State Health Plan is transitioning Pharmacy Benefit Managers from Express…
Changes to BCBSNC Formulary Coverage Coming January 1, 2017
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) is spreading the word about changes to their…
Study Shows Nearly 40 percent of U.S. Physicians Now Employed By Hospitals or Health Systems
A new study prepared by Avalere Health finds the number of physician practices owned by…
BCBSNC Extends Date for Mid-Level Provider Credentialing
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) has extended the deadline for mid-level…
BCBSNC Requires Mid-level Clinicians to Be Credentialed By January 2017
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) has notified its practices that, come January…
Physician Groups and the Insurance Mega Mergers
The US Department of Justice filed suit last week to block Anthem's proposed purchase of Cigna and…
Important Reminder about Billing Requirements for Certain Dual-Eligibles
In conversations with officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the AMA was…
NCMS Joins in Opposing Insurance ‘Mega-Mergers’
Forty-three state and national organizations including the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS)…
State Health Plan Drops Humana; Moves to One Medicare Advantage Carrier
The State Health Plan Board of Trustees recently approved moving from two Medicare Advantage…
BCBSNC Makes Progress on Claims Issues
The North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) has been closely monitoring the claims problems members…
Multi-Payer Expo in Fayetteville on June 23
Physicians, practice managers and staff are invited to attend an event that brings together…
The Value of an NCMS Membership Made Clear Once Again
Fulcrum Strategies, a Raleigh firm that represents practices in managed care contract negotiations,…
Board Meets With NCMS Leaders Past and Future
At its meeting last weekend in Cary, the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) Board of Directors…
Update on BCBSNC Payment Problems
Physicians throughout the state continue to encounter significant difficulties in their…
BCBS Offers Rewards for Practices Committed to Quality
Last month Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) began offering a Patient-Centered…
CMS Launches New Initiative For Primary Care
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the launch of a new program…
Survey Shows Physicians Drive Significant Revenue for Hospitals
A recently released national survey by Merritt Hawkins, a national physician search firm, suggests…
Commissioner Goodwin: Report BCBSNC problems to DOI
North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin is specifically asking physician practices to…
NCMS Tracking Veterans Choice Problems
Recently, North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) members alerted staff to major problems getting…
BCBS Quality Report Corrections Due March 18
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) is reminding physicians of the deadline to…
What Impact Would the Proposed Insurance Company Mergers Have on You and Your Practice?
In light of the proposed merger of Anthem and CIGNA and between Aetna and Humana, the AMA has…
Medicaid Re-Credentialing Efforts Resume on Large Scale
Re-credentialing necessary for continued participation in Medicaid/CHIP Thousands of Medicaid…
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