HB 11 – Handicap Parking Privilege Certification
Primary Sponsors: Rep. Gale Adcock (R – Wake), Rep. Josh Dobson (R – Avery), Rep. Jon Hardister (R – Guilford), Rep. Carla Cunningham (D – Mecklenburg)
If passed, this bill would allow physician assistants (PA), nurse practitioners (NP), and certified nurse midwives (CNM) to provide medical certification requirements for the DMV handicap parking placards. Previous to legislative changes to the NC Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) statutes made during the last session, Pas and NPs regular provided this evaluation for patients, especially in orthopedic practices. As an unintended consequence of the other legislation, the NC DMV interpreted the law to limit Pas and NPs because they are not expressly stated in current statute.
The NC Academy of Physician Assistants requested that this bill be filed. There has been some confusion over the inclusion of CNMs since they did not previously provide such services. The NCMS supports this bill as it is likely to be amended to be limited to NPs and PAs.
This bill was passed in the House Transportation Committee on 3.7.17.
This bill was heard on the House floor on 3.14.2017.
Rep. Dobson sent forth an amendment to to allow certified nurse midwives (CNM) to only issue temporary placards. This amendment passed 118-0.
This bill passed second reading with a vote of 114-4.
This bill passed third reading and has been sent to the Senate.