No one can foretell the future, but we can say with certainty that the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) will be working on your behalf in the following areas among many others in 2016.
Medicaid reform — making sure the reform legislation is implemented in a sensible manner that best serves Medicaid patients and those who care for them.
MACRA – our policy experts will continue to analyze and inform you about how this massive new legislation might impact your practice. Our practice consultants will be standing by to help you implement the changes to your best advantage.
M3 Conference – we are joining forces with the NC Medical Group Managers to present the Merging Medicine and Management Conference (M3) on Sept. 15-18 at the Grandover Resort in Greensboro. Mark your calendar now and join us for thought-provoking keynote speakers, cutting-edge educational seminars on everything from opioid prescribing to leadership development and informative legislative updates as well as the latest political news as Election Day will be just around the corner.
Physician wellness initiatives – Many say the trend toward physician burnout has been made worse with increased regulatory pressures and the rapid pace of change. Your medical society is dedicated to providing the resources to help you stay healthy and happy in your chosen profession. Watch for more about this initiative in the coming months.
Help with the move to value-based models of care – the NCMS and its Foundation remain committed to helping you understand and navigate a value-based model of care. In 2016, we will add to our collection of Toward Accountable Care Consortium and Initiative toolkits; we will continue to bring together Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) through our NC ACO Collaborative or MSSP Council and to offer educational seminars to enhance understanding of this growing model.
Continued refinement of leadership development opportunities – the Kanof Institute for Physician Leadership will continue to refine and enhance its programming. We also welcome opportunities to form customized leadership programs for organizations.
Be sure to read your eBulletin (published every other Wednesday, starting Jan. 13, 2016) and watch your email for special video updates and other announcements. To access topical blogs or update your email address or profile, please register on our website ( by clicking ‘Login’ on the upper right portion of the homepage and following the prompts.