Thank you to all who have posted comments on the proposed by-laws changes unveiled several weeks ago on our website. Your input is crucial to this process, and we welcome your remarks. Please keep them coming.
The overarching goal in eliminating the House of Delegates is to increase direct member participation in the Society by modernizing the process. The proposed by-laws changes accomplish this by:
- Offering members the opportunity to bring policy or other issues of importance directly to the Board of Directors at any of their meetings. To facilitate participation by members throughout the state, the meetings will be held at least quarterly in areas best suited to enhance member access and involvement.
- An open forum will be held at the Annual Meeting as another venue for members to bring issues directly to the Board of Directors without the cumbersome delegate credentialing process and formality of the House of Delegates.
- The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee membership will be augmented to reflect the diversity of the overall membership and to ensure a Board composition representative of the membership-at-large and the component specialty societies.
- Opening the election of Board members to the entire membership – not just the House of Delegates — through a secure, electronic voting system.
- Instituting a referendum process to allow any member, component organization or specialty society to place a question on the election ballot for consideration and vote by the entire membership.
Please review the details for each of these changes in the revised bylaws. Again, the intention is to streamline, modernize and make the process more inclusive of and responsive to the entire NCMS community. Please give us your feedback so we can work to get it right. Truly representative governance of our Society depends on each member taking on the responsibility of being involved and speaking out. Now is your chance to make a difference.
Comment below or review previous comments from members and add your thoughts.>>
In addition please sign this petition to reinstate Medicaid pay parity which expired in January: