nc-stampHB 464 – Revise Schedule of Controlled Substances
Primary Sponsors: Rep. Craig Horn (R – Union), Rep. Greg Murphy (R – Pitt), Rep. Chris Malone (R – Wake)
SB 347 – Revise Schedule of Controlled Substances
Primary Sponsors: Sen. Jim Davis (R – Cherokee), Sen. Tom McInnis (R – Rowan),
All formulations and synthetic versions are included under the scheduled drugs list.
This bill would revise the schedule of controlled substances to add synthetic fentanyls, designer hallucinogenics, synthetic cannabinoids, system depressants, and other substances.
The bill would also change the list of schedule II drugs to include any material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of hydrocodone. Currently, this section only includes hydrocodone.
This bill would add depressants that include Ezogabine and Lacosamide to the schedule V list of controlled substances.
This bill was referred to the House Health Committee on March 27, 2017. This bill was heard in the House Health Committee on April 5, 2017.
Rep. Greg Murphy (R – Pitt) presented an amendment in the Committee to change the language on page 15 line 29 This amendment changed two chemical compounds that needed to be recategorized. The amendment passed unanimously.
This proposed committee substitute received a favorable report in the House Health Committee, and will now move to the House Judiciary I Committee.
Another proposed committee substitute was heard in the House Judiciary I Committee on April 19, 2017. The bill received a favorable report, and will now move to the House floor.
This bill passed the House on April 20,2017 with a vote of 114-0. It will now move to the Senate.
This bill was referred to the Senate Rules and Operations Committee on April 21, 2017.
This bill was re-referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 19, 2017. This bill was heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 20, 2017. An amendment was passed.
This bill was passed in the Senate Rules and Operations Committee on June 22, 2017.
This bill was heard in the Senate on June 26, 2017.
Sen. McInnis (R – Anson) introduced an amendment that would strike the language “or less than 2.5 grams of a synthetic cannaboid or any mixture containing such substance…” in Section 10-2 (b).
Sen. Jim Davis (R – Cherokee) introduced an amendment that would clarify that the task force would focus on sentencing reforms for opioid drug convictions. In addition, this amendment adds a Task Force on Sentencing Reforms for Opioid Drug Convictions. The task force will have 22 members. The bill specifically states who will serve on the committee as well as  who the Speaker of the House and the President Pro-Tempore can appoint to this Task Force.
This bill was engrossed on June 26, 2017.
This bill was reconsidered on 3rd reaching on June 27, 2017.
Sen. McInnis (R – Anson) introduced an amendment that would further clarify violations and penalties.
The amendment was adopted.
The bill passed third reading and was sent to the House for concurrence.
This House concurred and the bill will now be sent to Gov. Cooper.
This bill was signed by Gov. Cooper on July 18, 2017.